Barefoot Gen (はだしのゲン Hadashi no Gen) - Keiji Nakazawa

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Dear citizens of the world, Keiji Nakazawa was a boyhood survivor of America’s wanton nuclear destruction of
Hiroshima. As a professional artist, he did not draw these manga to make you feel guilty.

Rather, Nakazawa drew his Barefoot Gen series in order to wake the world up to the folly of atomic weapons and to inspire you to antinuclear activism against the cruel weapons which can end all life on earth. The Barefoot Gen books are not only exquisite manga art but carry a powerful message against nuclear weapons.

In our modern age, US President O’Bomber gave the world a parting gift on his departure from office. He budgeted a trillion dollars to a new program to ‘upgrade’ and ‘modernise’ US nuclear weapons, including smaller ‘battlefield’ weapons to use in close combat. The new president wants to pour even more of your tax dollars into nukes.

Nine countries, the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea hold 15,000 A-bombs, any one of which would result in an earth sterile of all life. Only three countries have dismantled their nukes or canceled plans to build them: South Africa, Brazil, and Iran.

The future is up to you! Get out there to get rid of these weapons of mass destruction!

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